night Elk pass

What if make big day for popular elements that will be leading with night elk


Framed by design


Surface temperature

What if given special thermal vision headset that allows to see hidden messages and clues written in heat signatures throughout the city by the night elks


Attempt to interview

What if finds a lost voice recorder that contains an unfinished interview with a night elk? locate the interviewee to get the full scoop on the elk's secrets


Co-authored footsteps modified

What if night elks dance to generate pulsing rhythms and footsteps that unlock portals? to mimic their moves precisely to activate the portals and travel through elk-only dimensions


Texture of spring

What if elks change to ant-size? to battle spiders, beetles and survive the perils of insect life while traversing the verdant undergrowth


Future formula be selected in the present

What if left trail based on future leylines and energy grids that will form?to identify locations using dowsing rods, artifacts, and star maps

Agents and tickets as


6 hrs of charging

What will be as musicians in jazz lounge that has a 6 hour show schedule, between sets to investigate the mysterious disappearance of their bandmate

Within the establishment

For establishment and maching learning


For business schedule as start-up

What will be night Elk pass?


The old story & their camping stuff


What if that antler portal stones within carved stones in geometric alignments unlocks elk teams portals, to finding the right locations is key


Elk echo whistle

to channels and replicates elk calls. Used properly, to draw elks near or drive them away. Takes practice


Saturday bait

with bag of ancient herb and mineral blend to temporarily attract and distract elks when scattered. Useful for diversion tactics


Luminescent tracks

special sneakers that reveal glowing hoofprints and elk trails around city not visible to the naked eye


Cantabile snare

mystic crystal net for temporarily trapping elk adting long enough to question them before they vanish again,limited uses before needing recharge


Build wood key

ancient carved build wood key unlocks secret elk portals and pathways. Each tine corresponds to different entry point somewhere in the city



antique journal found in the subway tunnels detailing sightings and studies of the night elks over the decades, to provide clues but pages are missing that must be found.


Full of tons of value output

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